We are a non-denominational Christian School for boys from three to eighteen years old. As you learn more about the five schools that make up our College, we hope you will be inspired by our commitment to independent education for boys. You are welcome to visit us.
Our Commitment to you ...
St Charles College has been an accredited University of Cambridge International Examination Centre since 2002. For nearly two decades we have been offering the Cambridge Curriculum with exceptional results, from Singapore Mathematics and Science in the Primary School to IGCSE and A-Levels in the Senior School. The boys in Sixth Form lead the way in sport, culture and pastoral responsibility as they prepare for independence in their future studies.
St Charles College is a non-denominational Christian School. We acknowledge God in all we do and are committed to the growth of the boys of our College through thought and deed. Our hope is that what the boys learn at our College will be an education for life so that in society they will defend what is right, support what is just, and strive to respect the dignity of others
Friendships are cultivated at an early age and boyhood development is enriched alongside the formal learning programme as boys progress together through the Junior and Senior Schools.
Focusing on team sport and full participation, we aim to preserve the educational value of sport. Our 35-hectare campus supports our sporting philosophy, with world-class facilities including our floodlit water-based hockey surface, the famous Old Orchards Field, an indoor sports centre, and our blue chip ranked cricket oval.
We offer weekly and termly boarding, with modern accommodation for each grade in separate boarding houses. For all boarders, boarding represents an opportunity to cultivate life-long friendships, develop independence and make the most of all school programmes.
St Charles College has been an accredited
University of Cambridge International Examination Centre since 2002. For nearly two decades we have been offering the Cambridge Curriculum with exceptional results.
We work closely with Cambridge Assessment, Universities South Africa (USAF) and the South African Qualifications Assurer (SAQA) to ensure that the academic qualifications obtained at St Charles College provide access to tertiary institutions both in South Africa and in at least 160 countries across the globe.
The Sixth Form is an engaging and rewarding space provoking boys to rigorous academic scholarship while managing a commitment to being fully part of the greater life of the College. The boys in Sixth Form lead the way in sport, culture and pastoral responsibility as they prepare for independence in their future studies.
Most boys will take five AS Level subjects in their Lower 6 year (Grade 11). Academically mature boys typically proceed to study three A-Levels in Upper 6 year (matric year) and a few highly capable students will take four subjects at A-Level.
Entrance into the Sixth Form is generally dependent on academic maturity and a good set of IGCSE results obtained in the Middle School (Grade 8 - 10). Concessions in this regard would naturally require careful consideration especially where a boy demonstrates a positive work ethic.
photo credit: St Charles College